February 23, 2025 ·
Gürsoy Lab
The Gürsoy Lab is interested in human health and well-being, not only from a biological perspective but also from a human dignity perspective. The team works at the intersection of genomics and privacy/security. They develop software, file formats, and pipelines that enable broad data sharing among researchers while also preserving individual patient and study participant privacy. They are also interested in using the power of bioinformatics and computational biology to understand the role of nuclear organization in gene regulation and cellular processes.
Gamze Gürsoy, PhD
Core Faculty Member, NYGC
Herbert Irving Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University

Highlights From Dr. Gürsoy’s Previous Work
Nature Reviews Genetics · November 10, 2021
Functional genomics data: privacy risk assessment and technological mitigation.
Cell · November 12, 2020
Data Sanitization to Reduce Private Information Leakage from Functional Genomics.
Nucleic Acids Research · July 2, 2014
Spatial confinement is a major determinant of the folding landscape of human chromosomes.