Affiliate Membership Program
The NYGC provides Affiliate Memberships to external academic researchers who have a significant interest in and commitment to the scientific life and work of the NYGC, and will contribute to and benefit from the NYGC’s mission.
Membership Eligibility
Researchers who hold primary academic and/or clinical appointments at Institutional Founding Member and Institutional Associate Member organizations are eligible to be considered for an appointment as Affiliate Members.
The NYGC currently has 93 Affiliate Members, representing 18 academic institutions and medical centers. Please complete the form below if you are interested in applying to the program.

Scientific Working Groups
The NYGC has established scientific working groups with the objective of bringing together NYGC researchers and the scientific community to advance disease-based research in areas where our strengths and experience can make a significant difference.
The Genome Center Cancer Group (GCCG), led by Harold Varmus, MD, NYGC and Weill Cornell Medicine, and Charles Sawyers, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, is composed of clinicians and cancer researchers from NYGC’s member institutions, including 7 NCI-Designated Cancer Centers. In 2017, the GCCG launched Polyethnic-1000, a project to study cancer in New York’s ethnically diverse, underserved patient populations.
Become an Affiliate Member